The Boxing, Martial Arts,
and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board FAQS
Boxing FAQS
1. How do I contact the Advisory Board office?
You may reach the Board office by phone at 804-367-0186, by FAX at (877) 264-8691, or by e-mail at Additionally, if you have information that you would like to mail to the Advisory Board, please send it to:
Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233
2. Will I be able to speak directly with a Board member?
No, the Advisory Board members do not work in the Advisory Board office, however, the Advisory Board staff members can answer your questions and are trained to process all information that comes into the Board office. Please do not contact an Advisory Board member directly.
3. Can I renew my boxing license and what is the cost of a boxing license?
No. boxing licenses are not renewable. Every year you have to re-apply. The cost of the boxing license is $40 (see 18VAC120-40-50 A for additional information). If the application and fee are not received two days prior to weigh-ins, a $35 administrative fee is added.
4. What are the qualifications for licensure?
In addition to 18VAC120-40-70, applicants must also meet the requirements in 18VAC120-40-80 and 18VAC120-40-85 All applicants must disclose information about prior disciplinary actions or criminal convictions. (Criminal history is not a barrier to licensure, but must be considered in accordance with Section § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia.)
5. When does my boxing license expire?
Your boxing license expires on December 31 st of each year. If the boxing license is purchased within 45 days prior to December 31 it will not expire until December 31 st of the following year (for additional information please see 18VAC120-40-40.)
6. How long before my license will be issued?
Your license is usually issued within 4-10 business days of receiving your application. You can check on the status of your license on License Lookup.
7. Do I need to register with the national record keeper and how do I obtain my Federal Identification Card?
Yes, to register, contact the Advisory Board at 804-367-0186 and schedule an appointment. On the day of your appointment you will be required to bring a driver’s license, your SSN card, your amateur passbook, or a letter from your trainer stating your capabilities and training to participate as a professional fighter, a bill or document with your current name and address, two passport photos, and a credit card, check, cash or money order for $40.
8. How do I obtain an open date for an event? At what point will I be able to begin advertising my event?
Once you are licensed as a promoter, you may check Upcoming Pro Events, to check on dates that have already been taken before submitting the event application. No dates are held unless a completed application and fee is submitted. You may not advertise your event until your completed application and fee have been received and approved by the Advisory Board.
9. Can a promoter be the matchmaker for his own event?
Yes, a promoter must have a matchmaker license to match the event, if the promoter is using fighters that they manage, a separate matchmaker must make these bouts. To apply for a matchmaker license, the individual must submit the application and fee, along with a statement that the applicant does not employ and does not otherwise have a financial interest in, or commercial connection to, any boxer, manager, trainer, or second, except that which may be necessary to arrange a fighter's participation in a specific event.
Martial Arts FAQS
1. How do I contact the Advisory Board office?
You may reach the Board office by phone at 804-367-0186, by FAX at (877) 264-8691, or by e-mail at Additionally, if you have information that you would like to mail to the Advisory Board, please send it to:
Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233
2. Will I be able to speak directly with a Board member?
No. The Advisory Board members do not work in the Advisory Board office; however, the Advisory Board staff members can answer your questions and are trained to process all information that comes into the Board office.
Please do not contact any Advisory Board member directly.
3. Can I renew my martial artist license and what is the cost of a martial artist license?
No. There is no renewal of a martial artist license, every year you have to re-apply. The cost of the martial artist license is $40 (see 18VAC120-40-40 and 18VAC120-40-50 for additional information). If your application and fee is not received two days prior to weigh-ins, a $35 administrative fee is added.
4. What are the qualifications for licensure?
In addition to 18VAC120-40-70, applicants must also meet the requirements in 18VAC120-40-80 and 18VAC120-40-85 All applicants must disclose information about prior disciplinary actions or criminal convictions on the Disciplinary Action Reporting Form or the Criminal Conviction Reporting Form. (Criminal history is not a barrier to licensure, but must be considered in accordance with Section §54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia.)
5. When does my martial artist license expire?
Your martial artist license expires on December 31st of each year. If the martial artist license is purchased within 45 days prior to December 31st it will not expire until December 31st of the following year. For additional information please see 18VAC120-40-40.
6. How long before my license will be issued?
Your license is usually issued within 4-10 business days of receiving your application. You can check on the status of your license on DPOR's License Lookup.
7. Do I need to register with the national record keeper and how do I obtain my Federal Identification Card?
Yes. To register and obtain your Federal Identification Card, you must complete and submit the Federal Identification Card Application, required documents and $40 fee mailing it via United States Postal Service to:
Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233
Or faxing it directly to our Finance Department: 877-340-9616. A Credit Card Payment Form should be submitted when faxing.
Your application must include a copy of your Virginia driver’s license, social security card or passport book, amateur passbook or a letter from your trainer stating your capabilities and training to participate as a professional fighter, utility bill or document with your name and current address, and two passport photos.
8. How do I obtain an open date for an event? At what point will I be able to begin advertising my event?
Once you are licensed as a promoter, you may check Upcoming Events Listing on the DPOR website, to check on dates that have already been taken before submitting the event application. No dates are held unless a completed application and fee(s) are submitted.
You may not advertise your event until your completed application and fee(s) have been received and approved by the Advisory Board.
9. Can a promoter be the matchmaker for his own event?
Yes, a promoter must have a matchmaker license to match the event, if the promoter is using fighters that they manage, a separate matchmaker must make these bouts. To apply for a matchmaker license, the individual must submit the application and fee, along with a statement that the applicant does not employ and does not otherwise have a financial interest in, or commercial connection to, any martial artist, manager, trainer, or second, except that which may be necessary to arrange a fighter's participation in a specific event.
10. Do amateur martial arts events have to be registered with the national recordkeeper?
Yes, it is the responsibility of the sanctioning body to make sure the promoters have the event properly registered with the national record keeper (for more information contact
11. Do I need an event license to promote an amateur event?
The Advisory Board does not handle amateur events. Amateur events, promoters, fighters, trainers, cut men, and cornermen are handled by an approved amateur sanctioning organization. For additional information click on Amateur Martial Arts - Approved Sanctioning Organization on the website.
12. Are professional/amateur events held in Virginia?
Yes, but if a promoter wishes to have a pro-am event in Virginia, the Advisory Board only regulates the professional side of the event, the promoter has to contact an Amateur Martial Arts - Approved Sanctioning Organization to regulate the amateur side of the event.